Yet another week of social media dire means I that I am back at my Shared Dreamspace for your True Places updates.
A Festival of Lights!
True Places Permaculture
November 5th & 6th
Firstly, housekeeping: Please SAVE THE DATE for 5-6 November for a True Places Big Build! weekend on the farm with a nod to Diwali and all its festivities! Needless to say, I am missing India, our beloved children and their families, the food, and one of my favorite holidays in my cultural world, Diwali. Art is the focus this weekend and Olivia is already trying to figure out how to make terracotta diyas to light the farm on the 6th. To finish the night, we will throw in some Dussehra tradition with the Burning of the effigy of Ravana. If there is a fire ban, we will adopt the traditions of 8 places in India that do not burn Ravana to keep the Cistern-Muldoon Volunteer Fire Department happy. Stay an hour, stay the whole weekend! Register here to get updates!
For today’s Shared Dreamspace, I will reflect on some recent times spent with best friends. I refer to a lot of you as best friends and that’s because we are all people of abundance and I can have as many as I want, and I want all of you as my best friend. That is my train of consciousness nod to my Best Friend of all things Dreamy, Anna Boudreaux of Watch the Wind Blow. This best friend is inspiringly calm and you can feel all her magic in her blog. You’re welcome.
A recent, much-needed road trip with a best friend was a time for reflection and nostalgia as we looked back on 15+ years of traveling together. It forced us both to go back to our travel “point of origin” and laugh at our past fierce, naive selves and enquire of our future optimistic selves “how can I do this better?”. For me, I am committing to my work within travel and soil to be regenerative actions whenever possible. Since 2019, I have been actively studying regenerative travel and regenerative agriculture, in some cases without even knowing it. I have traveled in all manners for 30+ years and I am accepting that the many roles I played in the travel industry, even with good intentions, may have been DE-generating and damaging to local communities. Based on resent reading, I am not the only one. Regenerative travel is the only way forward for True Places and my journey to that end will play out here, within a Shared Dreamspace, and will include conversations with my mentors, partners, clients, fellow travel SMEs, guides, drivers, and many more I call best friends. Hopefully that means you too :) Comment below if you would like to join me.